A Summer Challenge!

It is almost school summer holiday time, and one big headache for many parents.

Some families will be travelling abroad, and enjoying the benefits of the sunshine, new horizons and family fun.

Others will be remaining and holidaying in the U.K. and some may not be having an "official" holiday anywhere in particular.

Sometimes, due to the working environment, parents cannot have annual leave  at this time. This creates a double hurdle to cross, as alternatives have to be found to take care of children during the working day.

Some areas are lucky and can access some quite comprehensive activities, but many only offer a very limited service, and some none at all.

Grand parents and extended family come into their own, and are a real life line for keeping families occupied.

This year in particular, will see rising costs of activity packages, and also general raises in travel and entrance money.

It might be worth looking at some budget friendly ways to pass the time, whilst being enjoyable.

Most children are addicted to screens of all sorts, and may be quite happy being allowed to spend hours on them.

Whilst they undoubtedly have their place, and will also be a bit of a lifesaver on many occasions, it is not an ideal way to pass many hours.

Very much depends on the age and gender of the children involved.

To find something which takes their interest maybe harder than you think.

Starting within the home, baking might be worth a try, as the end products can be eaten and saved for parents when they come home.

Simple cakes, meringues, biscuits and sweets can be made, and also decorated. A pizza making competition is also fun to do. Bases can either be made or bought.

Why not bring in a friend or two, and set up a baking stall? The more ambitious and well heeled could raise some money for charity!

If actual cooking is out, adventurous savoury and sweet salads can be made.

There may be some toys or items which are needing to be thinned out. Why not have a few friends round and do a swap shop?

How about doing a play? Everyone could become involved with writing the content, then dressing up for the various parts.

If there aren`t many dressing up clothes at home, some charity shop purchases can be cheap to buy and very effective.

Crafts, painting of all sorts and jig saws  are readily found on Amazon.

Hair styling  and make up are always  popular choices, and can be done reasonably cheaply. Clients can be friends, siblings or grandparents.

If outdoor space is available, then outside games, with prizes, might work.

Obstacle courses and treasure hunts might go down well.

Tents, either purpose made, or home made, (more fun) can be a base for all sorts of things.

Outdoor food is always a highlight, It needn`t be fancy, The food prep could be done the day before, with baking and then making sandwiches etc.

Days away are ideal, but bear in mind there could be hidden expenses, and maybe lots of queuing and travelling. Grandparents take note.

Children in the country have good access to out of doors, but perhaps miss the company of others.

Meeting up with class mates for a day, and having a BBQ or picnic together, might keep them in touch with one another.

Some outdoor pursuits may include fishing with a relative, fixing an old engine, or helping doing some gardening.

If cycling is possible, that is always popular.

If it`s available  to have a metal detector, endless hours can be spent searching for buried treasure.

Swimming, films and summer concerts, may also be doable.

Teenagers, are even more difficult, as are notoriously fickle and easily bored, so much will depend on the individuals  concerned.

Some more ambitious plans might include a camping trip or being involved in a d.i.y. project.

If hobbies are already being undertaken, such as photography, dancing, gymnastics and wild life spotting, these can perhaps be furthered by joining a club or society, perhaps online, where group activities can be organised.

More studious children should never dismiss the benefits of reading or furthering their education, either on their own or joining a book club or library.

It may be possible to help someone care for animals, or have a day to the country, or if you are in the country, have a day to a city.

Perhaps a week away with friends or relatives can be shared, which brings new ways of doing things and a different environment.

It is a difficult time, but it should be possible to gain enjoyment from being away from school and the study timetables, and if possible mixing with friends  and creating things to do.

Children have become used to a great many things being done for them,and being provided with ready made equipment, and perhaps not having to use  their imaginations, but that doesn`t mean to say that activities can`t be found to attract their interest.

The main thing is to keep safe. If the weather is good, remember that swimming in rivers and reservoirs can be very dangerous. Adults in charge, should always know where the children are and have means of communicating should there be any concerns.

The holidays will pass very quickly, and yet another school year will start in no time, so try and have fun and enjoy the relaxation, and a job well done!



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