Mother Nature and Spring


So  far in the UK it has been a relatively mild winter. No snow to speak of and very little frost. Lots of rain, but  alongside the mild weather, it has spurred on garden growth, and snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses appear as they always do, to brighten up the landscape.

The birds are busy constructing their beautifully crafted nests, and once more the seasons and circle of life keeps turning.

It`s amazing that all of these things happen each year without any help from humans or machines. In fact quite the opposite, as humans often help to destroy Mother Nature`s works of art in order to "progress"!

Talking of Mother Nature, she recently produced one of her endless surprises in the form of the Aurora Borealis, which has  been mesmerizing everyone  the length and breadth of the U.K.

This  rare phenomenon, also known as the Northern Lights, is usually associated with  northern latitudes, but has been spotted and enjoyed as far as the south of England.

It is caused by a complex interaction between solar wind and the Earth`s magnetic field, and the result is a dazzling display of pinks, reds and greens shimmering across the night sky in a stunning array of lights.

Once again the natural world shows us that it can put on a spectacular event without a choreographer or huge budget!

My last blog discussed moving out of the comfort zone and  following a new direction.

It may not have been a move of choice  for everyone, but for many, one that had been on the back burner for a while, just waiting for the right moment. 

I wonder how many people made the move?

The comfort zone is safe, but there is no guarantee that it will always be there, as often an X factor will creep in and destroy that feeling of security.

Leaving it is scary, as the waters are  uncharted and many obstacles lie in wait. Perseverance and persistence are your two good friends.The main thing is to keep focused on the goal ahead, and trust self belief to get there. 

Finding solutions to each hurdle requires character and resilience, but with each problem solved, the goal becomes closer and there is nothing quite like that feeling of success and pride when it is  finally achieved.

Over the last few years, the world in general has faced many challenges, and continues to do so.It could be said that it was  forced out of its comfort zone.

War, natural disasters, Covid and financial constraints to mention a few.

For some it has altered a comfortable lifestyle, for others it has devastated a way of life.

There are two options when faced with such circumstances. Flight or fight. Remain a victim or form an action plan to recover.

The human condition is strong and motivates individuals and populations to overcome challenges by working together and sharing skills and knowledge to remodel countries and economies to be better than before.

It takes mental and physical work, adaptability and ingenuity to plan and undertake such projects, but keeping an eye on the end result gives a focus on how to get there.

The natural world is continually adapting to climate and other changes. Animals and plants mutate and find new habitats in which to survive and thrive. They know what they can change and what they can`t, and  as humans, we must do the same,as we also depend on nature for our existence.

In the words of the Serenity quote:

Grant me the serenity to accept  the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Wise words indeed.

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